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X updates Communities with new filters, sorting options, and a way to see your own posts

X pays more attention to communities, x users to combine and discuss around a topic around a topic how it is done in Reddit. Today, to access popular communities, you are attached to the top of the application of the application for your icons, feed and other lists. Now you will make these individual times a trend, new or popular, or just to display only your writings and answers within society.

If you are sorting in popularity, you can now collect a number of options in the day, week, month, year or all the time, in Reddit mirrors.

Photo credits:@Dongwook ten x (opened in a new window)

Previously, the posts of communities, the latest and most popular tendencies offering similar meetings, the most popular and feature did not offer popular labels in the sorting of popular labels.

Moreover, a road to see your own writings and answers quickly was not available in the previous version.

Changes for users in the updated iOS application are first available, A post marks From an x ​​engineer that announces the final version of the feature of Community Badges.

The company is still working to bring the new function to the Internet and Android.

The product update is the latest efforts to reduce societies to make those who want to discuss more than X more attractive to X. The company last month is more Deep integrated community messages in XUser community posts and viewers and viewers and X in X. In X. in X. In X. in X. In X. It was possible to respond to everyone’s community articles.

X communities are not just to be a way to attract more user in x. Can be shared with companies that want to train AI modelsIn addition to To help train models X owner Elon Musk’s AI company, Xai.

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